
Showing posts from July, 2022

Types of RAMS

RAM is volatile memory, which means that it can't retain data once the power is turned off. Its advantage is the high access speed. RAM types are as shown like the following picture: RAM is mainly divided into two types: DRAM (Dynamic RAM) and SRAM (Static RAM). SRAM: It relies on static flip-flops to store data. Therefore, the information that is stored in SRAM can be retained for a long time without having an power failure and no additional circuit refresh is required.DRAM: It uses capacitors to store information to helps (charge), but any capacitor has leakage of (charge loss), so the stored information will be lost if Charge is loss. To solve this problem, DRAM needs to read and rewrite (so-called refresh) the DRAM at regular intervals of (2ms). Comparing SRAM and DRAM, and their differences are as follows: SRAM: It requires about six transistors for a memory cell, which makes it high-cost of, small-capacity, and high-speed. Therefore, it is often used as the primary cache or

Triangle or not input (Python)

def is_a_triangle(a, b, c): return a + b > c and b + c > a and c + a > b a = float(input('Enter the first side\'s length: ')) b = float(input('Enter the second side\'s length: ')) c = float(input('Enter the third side\'s length: ')) if is_a_triangle(a, b, c): print('Yes, it can be a triangle.') else: print('No, it can\'t be a triangle.')

Name/date input (Pyhon)

name = input("Enter your name: ") print("Hello, " + name + ". Thanks for being here!") print ("Today date is September 5,22")

A,B,C value input (Python)

print("Enter a value: ") a = int(input()) print("Enter a value: ") b = int(input()) print("Enter a value: ") c = int(input())

Age input (Python)

print ('What is your age?') value = int(input()) value_in_five_years = value + 5 print('In 5 years from now you will be: ' + str(value_in_five_years))

Minutes/hours input (Python)

hour = int(input("Starting time (hours): ")) mins = int(input("Starting time (minutes): ")) dura = int(input("Event duration (minutes): "))

Number input code (Python)

#Testing TypeError message. anything = input("Enter a number:") something = int(anything)**2 #convert input to integer print(anything,"to the power of 2 is",something)

Floating number input

leg_a = float(input("Input first leg length: ")) leg_b = float(input("Input second leg length: ")) hypo = (leg_a**2 + leg_b**2) ** .5 print("Hypotenuse length is", hypo)

First/last name input (Python)

fnam = input("May I have your first name, please? ") lnam = input("May I have your last name, please? ") print("Thank you very much.") print("\nYour name is " + fnam + " " + lnam + ".")

Name input

name = input("Enter your name: ") print("Hello, " + name + ". Nice to meet you!") print("\nPress Enter to end the program.") input() print("THE END.")

State input

state = input("What country are you from ")

Data Communication

Hybrid Topology Disadvantages of Hybrid Topology: 1. Complex in design. 2. Costly. Data Communication Data communication is the exchange of data between two or more computers (a sender/source and a receiver) with the help of a communication medium. The device that transmits the data is known as sender/source and the device that receives the transmitted data is known as receiver. Data communication must fulfill/obey following three conditions : Delivery : Network should deliver the data at the proper place. Accuracy : Data communication should be free from fault. Time limit: Data should reach destination without any delay. Medium : It carries the information from sender to receiver. Receivers : Receiver receives the information. Protocol : There are rules under which data transmission takes place between sender and receiver. Methods of data transmission Methods of data transmissions means direction of flow of data between sender and receiver. Three methods of data transmission are gi

Anything input code (Python)

  print("Tell me anything...") anything = input() print("Hmm...", anything, "... Really?")


Pathways  A path may refer to any of the following: 1.Alternatively known as the pathname of the current path or path that is the complete location or name of where a computer file device or a web page that is located below the examples of different types of computer related paths. MS-DOS path The following example shows the MS-DOS of a type of path or file path in a system when being worked on an MS-DOS on a Windows computer or a command line on a path of some drivers like root, directories and file that are separated by a backslash.   Linux and Apple path  In a Linux or Apple shell that is using the command of pwd that your pathway may look like the following of a working type of path which the drivers of directories and files that are separated by a forward slash. /home/hope/public_html/ Network path  A network pathway is a type of path that allows the user to share in the following example of help which is the share on a hope computer. \\hope\help Internet path  The following examp

Computer system functions

The functions of a computer system The four basic functions of an computer system are as follows Input Output Processing Storage Let look into each individually Input transferring of information into the system and this can be through a user input device. Output is the function that allows a computer to display information from the system or the user. Processing this is where the computer actually does the work by manipulating and controlling the data over the entire system. Storage takes place on hard drivers or external storage devices.

Computer keys

Computer keys F1 - Help F2 - Rename selected objects F3 - Find all flies F4- Opens file list drop-down in dialogs F5 - Refresh current window F6 - Shifts focus in Windows Explorer F10 - Activates menu bar options Alt+tab - Cycles between open applications Alt+F4 - Switch between current program windows Alt+enter - Opens properties dialog Alt+space - System menu for current window Alt+¢ - opens drop-down lists in dialog boxes Backspace - Switch to parent folder Ctrl +Esc - Opens Start menu Ctrl+Alt+Del - Opens task manager,reboots the computer Ctrl+tab - Move through property tabs Ctrl+Shift+Drop - Create shortcut Ctrl+Drag - Copy file Esc - Cancel last function Shift - Press/hold shift insert CD - ROM to bypass auto play Shift+drag - Move file SHIFT+F10 - Opens context menu Shift+delete - Full wipe delete ALT+underlined letter - Opens the corresponding menu PC Keyboard Shortcuts Document Cursor Controls HOME - To beginning of line or far left of field or screen End - To end of lin

Apple Watch possible cause of dialing 911

Why does my Apple Watch keep dialing 911 You'll need to change your Apple Watch SOS setting on your iPhone so that holding the side button won't automatically call emergency services. Open the Apple Watch app on your iPhone and tap on My Watch. When you press the side button on your Apple Watch, the emergency SOS screen appears. Continue holding the side button, and a countdown will begin. At the end of the countdown, or if you slide the Emergency SOS slider, 911 will be called. sos apple watch To stop 911 from being called, tap Yes on the End Call screen. If you do accidentally call 911, stay on the line to let them know it was a mistake or they'll need to come check on you to make sure all is well. If this is a feature you're comfortable with, you can leave your settings as they are, but if you'd like to make it a little more difficult to dial 911, there's a way to accomplish that. Turn off Hold to Auto Call on Apple Watch You'll need to change your Appl

Bug VS debug

Bug VS debug A basic measure is a developer that can be used against bugs which are unsurprisingly removed from your code and this is called debugging. A debugger is a specialized piece of software that control how the program is executed by using the debugger you can execute your code line by line that will inspect all of the variables states and it change their values on demand without modifying the source code are stop by the execution of when someone certain conditions are or aren't met and do a lot of other useful tasks. We can say that every IDE is equipped with a more or less advanced debugger. Even IDLE has one, although you may find its handling a bit complicated and troublesome. If you want to make use of IDLE's integrated debugger, you should activate it using the “Debug” entry in the main IDLE window menu bar. It's the start point for all debugger facilities. You can see how the debugger visualizes variables and parameter values, and note the call stack w

Weather input code (Python)

Weather template input code temperature = float(input('Enter current temperature:')) if temperature > 0: print("Above zero") elif temperature < 0: print("Below zero") else: print("Zero")

Zero Division Errors

Zero Division Errors Appears when you try to force Python to perform any operation which will provoke division when the driver is zero or indistinguishable from zero. There is more than one Python operator that can cause the exception to raise by using /,\\ and %. Type Error is an adequate name used to describe the problem and an adequate exception to raise. Attribute Error exception arrives among some other occasions when the user is trying to activate a method which doesn't exist in an item that you are dealing with. Take this code for example. short_list = [1] short_list.append(2) short_list.depend(3) The third line in this example tries to make use of a method that isn't contained in this list and there is where Attribute Error raises. Syntax Error exception is raised when Python reaches a line of code that violates Python grammar it may sound strange but some codes can't be identified without being able to run the code.