Data types in C language

Data Type Datatype is an entity that defines a set of values and a set of operations that can be applied on those values. It determines the type and size of data associated with variables. Data type in C language
Primary data types Primary data types are also known as the fundamental data types because they are pre-defined or they already exist in the C language. All C compilers support four fundamental data types, namely int, char, float, and void.
Derived data types Derived data types are derived from the primitive or fundamental data types. There are mainly 3 types of derived data types in C There are mainly 3 types of derived data types in C Array Function Pointer User defined data types The data types that are defined by the user are called the user-defined derived data type. For this a special keyword is needed such as typedef, enum, struct, union. The C program consists of the following types of UDT: Structures Union Typedef Enum


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